Dharma Drum Youth Adventurers, off to Taman Negara National Park we go!
A passing boat leaves no trace upon the waters;
a bird's flight leaves no trace in the sky.
When fleeting success, failure, gain, or loss
leaves no trace upon the heart,
the great wisdom of liberation has been achieved.
- Master Shengyen
With newly established camaraderie, the expedition ended on a perfect note.
Day 1
On 1 Aug at 5.30pm, the 13 participants gathered at Tanjong Pagar Train Station, eagerly awaiting to set off.
Group photo
At the train ... can't contain the enthusiasim
Singing and dancing
Day 2
Breakfast at Sri Emas Hotel - In very good spirits
Bus Trip to Jerantu Jetty
Playing with the camera while waiting for the boat to arrive
Group Photo

3 hours Boat Ride to Taman Negara - LBK floating Restaurant

- Then check in at the Rainforest Resort

Lunch at floating Restaurant - You float while you tuck in your meal.

Transport Available at Taman Negara - Bus, Walk and Boat (Mostly)

A group photo before starting our adventure - The joining of a foreign tourist in our group adds to the fun.

Gua Telinga - Bat Cave Exploration
Discovery of the cave is not the living things in it but to know about getting to use your arms like the legs and the legs like the arms.
Side effects - slight bruises but very satisfied after the accomplishment of this seemingly impossible feat if there's no tour guide with us.

It's very dark in the cave...

Smeared with bat droppings and mud. See a lot of bats hanging above your head and some of them flying about.

Brotherhood of bats. They're cute, no?

One becomes aware that one have the ability to climb as one experience the primitive side of the human.

The guide teaches us to coordinate our hands and legs to manoeuvre our way through the rocks.

"Ah... Piece of cake lah!"

Sense of relief after we emerge from the cave

Let's take a photo as evidence of our hard climb!

Orang Asli Village
We visit the Orang Asli Village. The villagers live in the forest and depend on the forest for their livelihood.

Children of the tribe

Blow pipes with darts. Sometimes the darts are tinted with poison which are used by Orang Asli for hunting purposes. Tribe members use this blowing pipe as a hunting tool. The darts are sometimes smeared with poison.

Demonstrating how to use the pipe

Now it's our turn

We are shown the materials used to make the pipes

Starting a fire the primitive way
This plant is a source of water if you get lost in the forest. But if the water that drips out is muddy, it means that it is poisonous.
Another group photo
Night at the Jungle
Our chatting and laughter filled the night air
Besides the insects, other animals have scrambled into hiding upon hearing us. We can only see a single deer from afar from atop the Tahan Hide tower.


Spider having its meal

Day 3
Taking a boat to the National Park - We have to use the boat to travel between the restaurant and the Park.

Taking a snap with our guide

We enter the forest again

On the way, the guide briefs us on the floral and fauna of the forest

Blue leaves

A ghost's footprints - a herbal medicine used by women after childbirth

This is not a tree branch but a bee hive

A wild boar

Don't forget to protect nature and our earth

Canopy walk
This bridge is originally used for forest observation but is later opened up to visitors. We are here to take in the breath-taking view.

Let's munch on some nuts to replenish our energy

Getting ready to cross the bridge

We have to maintain a distance of at least 5 metres from each other on the bridge, or else it'll collapse!
Mission accomplished!
Our tarzans doing their thing
It feels like Thailand's water-splashing festival. The guide told us not to bring our cameras to prevent them from getting wet. Pity the lack of photos.
See the "tattoos" on our arm and faces? The paint is made from stone and water.
A parting shot - Saying goodbye to Taman Negara
Everyone craves for durian on the trip back to Sri Emas hotel - This sign makes a mockery of us.
Night outing, We finally get to satisfy our craving!
Day 4
We reach Jerantu Train Station at 1.30am to board the 2.30am train back to Singapore
Waiting at the platform
In the train cabin
The End
Thanks to Sister Peiying for doing a wonderful job of organising this expedition. We have had a fantastic time!!
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